ATT1 Temperature Transmitters

Product Features
- PT100, PT1000 or Ni100 RTD input
- J, K, T, N, E, B, R or S type thermocouple or mV input
- 4-20mA two wire output
- Three custom linearisations (up to 96 segments)
- Isolated input
- Simple PC or Android smartphone app configuration
- 9-30Vdc loop powered
- In-head mounting enclosure
- Programmable burnout
- Screw type fingerproof terminals
The Ascon Tecnologic ATT1 in-head mounting temperature transmitters isolate and convert temperature measurement signals over a configured range to a 4-20mA process output signal. The transmitter accepts PT100 RTD inputs and eight common thermocouple types or a DC mV signal and are loop powered from 9 to 30Vdc. The transmitters can be configured through a simple PC based software program or using an android smartphone app enabling selection of sensor input type, desired temperature range, burnout direction and trimming of 4mA and 20mA outputs. If required, a desired temperature range can be specified upon ordering.
Key Terms: ATT1 - Temperature Transmitter - Signal Conditioner